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The Woman With The Empty Vessels Pdf

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Women are being reduced once again to an empty vessel that must put the life that might be ahead of her life and the other lives in her family. Women are fertile for about 35 years, which means a woman who wants two children will spend about 30 years of her life trying to prevent unintended pregnancy.

2KINGS 4:1-7ELISHA AND THE MIRACLEOF THE 'POT OF OIL!' LET'S STUDY THIS EVENT IN THE LIFE OF THE GREAT PROPHET!ITSTILL CONTAINS LESSONS FOR US AS WE SEEK TO LIVE FOR GOD DAY BYDAY!-Dr. Mike Bagwell2 Kings 4:1-7'Now there cried acertain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets untoElisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowestthat thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come totake unto him my two sons to be bondmen. And Elisha saidunto her, What shall I do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou inthe house?

And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing inthe house, save a pot of oil. Then he said, Go, borrowthee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even emptyvessels; borrow not a few.

And when thou art come in, thou shaltshut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour outinto all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which isfull. So she went from him, and shut the door upon her andupon her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and shepoured out. And it came to pass, when the vessels were full,that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he saidunto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed.Then she came and told the man of God.

And he said, Go, sell theoil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of therest.' THERE ARE TWELVE LESSONSBELOW ON OUR TEXT. (JUST BEGIN AT LESSON NUMBER 1 ANDSCROLL DOWNWARD AS YOU READ TOWARD LESSON 12. MAY THE LORDBLESS YOU AS YOU STUDY HIS PRECIOUS WORD!)LESSON 1. INTRODUCTION:The Lord justseemed to have me thinking about (of all things). Oil!I even saw a bookin a local bookstore about it!Oil!The noun 'oil'occurs 202 times in the Bible.The generalconsensus among Bible-believing preachers is that 'oil' isgenerally a picture of The Holy Spirit.It seems clear that the Bible subject of 'oil' is vast in itsscope. In fact, all the Bible is'exceeding broad!'

So says Psalm 119:96.Gradually, after several other 'potential' passages came andwent, the Lord focused me on 2 Kings 4:1-7. It describes amiracle.

Concerning 'oil!' Elisha is the Prophet involved and a poor widow lady is thebeneficiary! (And, of course, our great God provides the Powerbehind it all!)Here's the Bible account, word for word:'Now there cried a certain woman of thewives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thyservant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servantdid fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him mytwo sons to be bondmen. And Elisha said unto her, What shall Ido for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said,Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot ofoil.

Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thyneighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. And when thouart come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thysons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shaltset aside that which is full. So she went from him, and shutthe door upon her and upon her sons, who brought the vessels toher; and she poured out. And it came to pass, when the vesselswere full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel.And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more.

And the oilstayed. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go,sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy childrenof the rest.' Again, this brief text is found in 2ndKings 4:1-7.Did you notice that this poor lady is a 'widow?' That makes hertwo boys 'fatherless.' And puts all three of them in a specialcategory!

Listen to Psalm 146:9 which says:'The Lord. Relieveth the fatherless andthe widow!' Our Lord always champions the cause of thepoor and humble and lowly! (And He always resists the proud!)Peter tells us. 'God resisteth theproud, but giveth grace to the humble!' 1st Peter 5:5I'm glad for the day the Lord, by means of Holy Spirit'conviction,' humbled my soul and brought me to the place whereI (submissively with heartfelt repentance and a broken will)confessed myself to be a sinner in need of salvation! I got'saved' that very hour as Jesus, the 'Saviour,' moved into mylife and literally took control!Is someone reading here today who is that needy?Fatherless?Sorrowful?Poor?Destitute?Come to the dear Lord Jesus!He can give you oil too.

Just like He did this little widowin our paragraph!And you, as her, can be associated with the'Oil of Gladness,' the preciousHoly Spirit of God!Psalm 45:7 uses that very term in prophesying about Jesus! Itsays that He will 'love righteousness andhate wickedness: therefore God will anoint Him with the Oil ofGladness!' The Lord willing, more about this precious 'oil' tomorrow.- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 2.verse 1:What destitution the opening verse presentsus!'

Now there cried acertain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets untoElisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowestthat thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come totake unto him my two sons to be bondmen.' 2 Kings4:1She is just called a 'certain woman!' But she surely knew what to do with herproblems!She took them to the Lord! (Or at leastto the Man of God, the Prophet Elisha, whose very name means'God is Salvation'!)The noun in Hebrew for woman is 'ishshah.' Man in Scripture is often depicted by the word 'iysh.' Seethe similarity?


The lady is WOMAN. Simplya derivative of MAN!

And often the feminists and therebels do not like that fact at all! To complicatetheir problem, in the New Testament the same word is used forwoman and wife.

To be a woman is to be awife (grammatically)! Of course the Bible has someexcellent exceptions to this rule. But that's God's basicstandard! The enemies say that this 'objectifies' thewoman.Yet, on the other hand, no Book exaltswomanhood as does the Bible and no Person honored the ladieswith whom He came in contact more than Jesus! (Including thelady in our text right here!)Also notice that this lady was the wife of apreacher! The 'sons of the prophets' were a group of youngministerial students who congregated around a great man of Godlike Samuel or Elijah and studied the great truths of Scripture!But her husband had died!And left her poor!

With unpaid bills!This may or may not badly reflect on him.We just are not given any details. If he was a carelessspender or a poor manager of money, he was wrong and his wifesuffered for it.

But if he had an extended illness or waspersecuted for his faith's sake. The poverty may have beenunavoidable. (In which case God's provision is even morelovely!)Yet the now deceased preacher did have agodly testimony! (At least he did with his wife and withElisha!) I would say that the companion of a man, hiswife, would be the first to know his real character! Thisone 'feared the Lord,' the Old Testament clause that indicatesgodliness and reverance.Yet another problem has risen. (Did youever notice how trials come in 'groups?'

Her husband died.her money is gone. And now her boys are threatened! Askold Job about this too! And the devil tempted Jesus threetimes in rapid succession!)A 'creditor' has come to take away herchildren!The term means a man to whom they owed money!(Paul later encourages us to. 'Owe noman any thing, but to love one another: for he that lovethanother hath fulfilled the law.' Romans 13:8)And this financial tyrant did have legalright to 'claim' these boys and make them work off theindebtedness.

At least until the 7th year came. SeeExodus 21:2 and similar verses.The noun 'bondmen' is in Hebrew 'ebed' andjust means a common slave (servant).As I said in the opening sentence today.This lady was destitute!She reminds me of the plight of those whocongregated around David as he fled from King Saul!'

And every one that was indistress, and every one that was in debt, and every onethat was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; andhe became a captain over them: and there were with him aboutfour hundred men.' This is 1st Samuel 22:2.Even Jesus said:'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,and I will give you rest.' Matthew 11:28Or listen to what commonly happened in thelife and ministry of our Lord. 'Theblind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers arecleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and thepoor have the gospel preached to them.' Matthew11:5 (What a group this was!)It sounds to me like the dear Lord Jesus cameto the very kind of people this widow lady represents!(And that includes you and me. At leastspiritually it does!)I'm glad He cares!- Dr.

Mike BagwellLESSON 3. VERSE 2:Just prior to God working this miracle,Elisha asks the poor widow lady a couple of questions.' And Elisha said unto her, What shall I dofor thee? Tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said,Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot ofoil.' 2 Kings 4:2The first question,'What shall I do for thee?'

The greatProphet has just heard the details of the lady's plight!' What shall I do forthee?'

This sounds to me like something Jesusoccasionally did too!Listen to the first thing Jesus says to blindBartimaeus in Mark 10:51 - 'And Jesus answered and said untohim, What wilt thou that I should do untothee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I mightreceive my sight.' Did you see that?The same question!And again in John 5:6 at the Pool of BethesdaJesus asks the impotent man nearly the same thing.' When Jesus saw him lie, and knewthat he had been now a long time in that case, he saithunto him, Wilt thou be made whole?' I am prepared to go this far today.Elisha seems to be here a picture of Christ Jesus!One day soon I am going to write a wholearticle on that subject alone. I think there may be adozen or more ways in which Elisha depicts Jesus!Yet again there's another question!' What hast thou in thehouse?'

How very practical!Do YOU have anything the Lord can use?(Of course God can perform miracles without any 'means'whatsoever! He 'spoke' the worlds into existence Hebrews11:3 tells us! But often He uses some 'catalyst' in Hismiraculous doings!)Again, this sounds just like Jesus!At the feeding of the 5,000 He asks'How many loaves have ye?' Matthew15:34Or by the shore that post-resurrection day inJohn 21:5, Jesus asks his failing disciples,'Children, have ye any meat? They answeredhim, No.' Wow!Now watch the lady's answer.She had 'not any thingin the house!' Not a thing!Think what this means!Likely the 'creditor' had been to see herbefore!He who now threatens to enslave her two sonshas already (piece by piece perhaps) emptied her house offurniture and keepsakes and 'everything!'

One loss after another!One 'reversal' followed another 'reversal!' YET this lady's faith failed not!She still sought help from the Hand of theLord!She watched her pantry being depleted day byday. Now everything is gone. Except a pot of oil!She here reminds me a little bit of Habakkukwho said: 'Although the fig treeshall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in thevines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shallyield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, andthere shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice inthe LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.' Habakkuk 3:17-18Or maybe even Job who said:'Though he slay me, yet will I trustin him!'


Shall we receive good at the hand ofGod, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sinwith his lips.' I admire such faith!However I do not want to close this versewithout noticing one more little word. That's the adverb ' save!' Nothing left.

Except!Just this pot of oil!And the word here is NOT indicative of a bigearthen oil vat. But a small flask or 'skin' of oil!The 'root' of the word used here, 'asuk,'means 'anointed!' Nothing was left but a small skin of oil.anointing oil!(Perhaps her preacher husband had used itagain and again prior to his death!)BUT that bit of oil was sufficient!God used it mightily!Again, could this be a picture of the HolySpirit?Is He sufficient?I rest my case right there!- Dr.

Mike BagwellLESSON 4. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2004. VERSE 3:The Lord gave the widow lady (through Elisha)some very specific instructions.' Then he said, Go,borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, evenempty vessels; borrow not a few.' 2 Kings 4:3The verb 'go' (in Hebrew = 'yalak') means towalk! 'Get started' says the preacher.

The Woman With The Empty Vessels Pdf Full

The verbis framed as a command too! This is now urgent business!God wants to meet our need! It is important to Him!And the verb 'borrow' (in Hebrew = 'shaal')means 'to ask' for something! (It's the 'root' of theHebrew name 'Saul' too.) It too is an imperative, acommand! In the King James Bible this word is translated'ask' 94 times and 'borrow' 6 times. It's alsorendered 'beg' twice!

(Get the vessels any way youhonorably can!)And the noun for 'vessels' in interesting!It is spelled 'kaliy' and means a utensil or implement orapparatus of nearly any kind! Again, in the King JamesBible it bears the following translations: vessel (166times), instrument (39 times), WEAPON (21 times) and JEWEL (21times), ARMOUR (10 times) and even FURNITURE (7 times)!If these vessels, when filled with preciousoil, picture the believe saturated with the Holy Spirit, we havesomething beautiful here!Is the fullness of the Spirit the equivalentof being well armoured, of having the right weapons in thespiritual battle? Of course it is!Is the fullness of the Spirit also a pictureof the believer 'bejeweled' with godly beauty and loveliness?Certainly that's so!Is the fullness of the Spirit in relation tothe Christian just what a complete set of furniture is to aroom? What vocabulary this Bible has!Even the adjective 'empty' has significance!' Reyq' (Hebrew for 'empty' in this verse)means 'poured out' or just 'empty.' In our Bibles it istranslated 'empty or emptied' 7 times. But also 'vain' as invain men 7 times!We as vessels are to pour everything out ofour lives.

Everything that does not belong there! To beemptied of ourselves and our fleshly desires and our oldbesetting sins! (This is part of what Paul meant when hesaid 'I die daily!' )BUT also when we describe ourselves as'empty' vessels.

We are admitting that once we were 'vain'too! Useless to God and good! Idle in any sense ofaccomplishing God's will for our lives!Lastly, Elisha taught the lady and her sonsto 'borrow not a few' empty vessels!Get as many as possible!This sounds a lot like commanded'determination' to me!Don't be slack!Go door to door!Ask and seek and knock!Come boldly before thy neighbor!Elisha is a real disciple of diligence!(Remember his 'shooting arrows' lesson toKing Joash in 2 Kings 13? The Preacher was upset becausethe King didn't shoot enough arrows toward the enemy!)The more vessels. The more oil!This even reminds me of Elisha's great'digging ditches' miracle too. And it's in chapter threeof 2 Kings (within the context of our 'oil' miracle right here)!The verb 'borrow (not) a few' translates 'maat'in Hebrew. It means 'to lessen or to make small or todiminish.'

Everything is pointing to fervency ingathering the oil holders!Paul teaches us to be 'fervent' in spirit inall our business dealings! See Romans 12:11.Peter repeatedly teaches us to 'give alldiligence' to our Christian growth! See 2nd Peter 1:5.Be eager and hungry and excited when it comesto the filling of the precious Holy Spirit of God!His Presence is essential!- Dr.

Mike BagwellLESSON 5.VERSE 4:The Prophet Elisha continues to instruct thelady.He says: 'Andwhen thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee andupon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, andthou shalt set aside that which is full.' 2 Kings4:4Notice first that the widow is to do her workin private. Have you ever thought about that? Jesusdid some of His miracles in private also.The deaf man with a speech defect was healedby Jesus. 'aside from the multitude!' ( 'Andhe took him aside fromthe multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and hespit, and touched his tongue; and looking up to heaven, hesighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of histongue was loosed, and he spake plain.'

Mark7:33-35)Or remember when Jesus raised that little 12year old girl from the dead He 'And theylaughed him to scorn. Butwhen he had put them allout, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel,and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damselwas lying. And he took the damsel by the hand, and said untoher, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I sayunto thee, arise.

And straightway the damsel arose, and walked;for she was of the age of twelve years. And they wereastonished with a great astonishment.' Mark 5:39-42Some things are to be done with the doorshut! They are just too precious and private to be sharedwith gawking unspiritual eyes! (Matthew 7:6 just mightapply here: 'Give not that which isholy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine.'

Jesus said that too!)Here are some more things Jesus encourages usto do in private: our praying, our giving and our fasting!See Matthew 6:1-18!Then notice this. The lady was to haveher sons with her as this miracle unfolded! God wanted the boysto see and know of His great Power!Isaiah 44 tells us that when God blesses, Hecan and will include our sons and daughters!'

I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, andmy blessing upon thine offspring.' Declares the Lord!Much of the visual aspect of the OldTestament history is for the children to see and understand!Listen to Joshua 4:6 - 'That this may bea sign among you, that when your children ask theirfathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye bythese stones? Then ye shall answer them, That the waters ofJordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD;when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off:and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children ofIsrael for ever.' Include the children!Then. 'pour out' into all those emptyvessels!The verb is 'yatzsaq' and means to let flowor to even to overflow!

The first 2 Bible uses of the word(from the life of Jacob) involve pouring oil also!(Genesis 28:18 and Genesis 35:14)The verb is also the one used when moltenmetal is being poured into a mold and cast (set) into hardenedform! It is translated 'cast' 11 times. (Pouring toset firm!)Then she is instructed to 'set aside' thatwhich is full!Here's the exact wording:'And thou shalt set aside that which isfull.' It just locally means that, in order to stayorganized, place the empty vessels in one place and the fullones in another.BUT I believe it may have a spiritual meaningfor us today also!When a vessel (a picture of a believer) iscompletely filled (with oil. A type of the Holy Spirit).he often is to be 'set aside' (dedicated, consecrated, used in aspecial way) to the glory of God!Oh, to be filled with the Spirit of God!Then, oh, to be used of God!It should be our hearts constant desire!- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 6, OIL, A TYPE OF THE HOLYSPIRIT:First let's look at someplaces oil was used in Bible days.In Luke 10:34 we are told someof the things the Good Samaritan did for the battered and robbedtraveler. 'And went to him,and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him onhis own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.'

See the oil being poured into his wounds! Justthink of the sin-festered cuts and gashes on our poor old souls. When the Holy Spirit convicted us of our sins! Yet His'oil' has soothed and healed us completely!And in the Tabernacle ofMoses' day oil was used as a source of fuel for the lampstands!Exodus 25:6 tells us some of the thigns needed in the trueworship of God. 'Oil for the light,spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense.'

The oil gave light! There will never be any true illumination ofthe Word of God or the Christian way of life apart from the oilof the Holy Spirit!Here's another Biblical usefor oil. It was put on one's face! Listen to whatGod can provide. 'And wine thatmaketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make hisface to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man'sheart.' Psalm 104:15 I am telling you, dearfriend, when one is anointed with the Holy Spirit, it shows onhis or her face!And how about the old cleansedlepers, who had oil put on their ears, their hands and theirfeet during their consecration ceremony! (First blood wasplaced on these areas.

Because one must be blood-washedbefore he can be spirit-anointed!) Oil on these body partssuggests Holy Spirit control of all I hear, all I do andeverywhere I go! 'And of the rest ofthe oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon thetip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon thethumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his rightfoot, upon the blood of the trespass offering.' Leviticus14:17And when Aaron was dedicatedas Priest. Oil was poured on his head! Leviticus 8:12tells us: 'And he poured of theanointing oil upon Aaron's head, and anointed him, to sanctifyhim.' This simply means all one's thoughts are tobe Spirit approved!And of course there was thatcopious supply of oil on the meal offering in Leviticus 2 also!The meal offering is a picture of Jesus (here in His Life aswell as in His Death) saturated with the oil of the Holy Spirit!' And if thou bring an oblation of ameat offering baken in the oven, it shall be unleavenedcakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafersanointed with oil.'

Leviticus 2:4 In factJesus had so much of the Spirit upon Him and within Him that weare told by John 'ForGod giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.' John 3:34And from whence does this oilcome? Why, from the olive! See what Exodus 27:20says: 'And thou shalt command the childrenof Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for thelight, to cause the lamp to burn always.'

And theseolives had been bruised or crushed or 'beaten'. Justwhat happened to Jesus on Calvary! Had Jesus not gone tothe Cross. No Holy Spirit would have been given, at least notas we have him today in this age of Grace! John 7:39 -'But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on himshould receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given;because that Jesus was not yet glorified.' Praise God for the lessons ofthe oil in Scripture!And praise Him even more forthe Holy Spirit that oil represents!- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 7.

VERSE 5:The Bible reports that this widow lady wasobedient to the Man of God!' So she went from him,and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought thevessels to her; and she poured out.' 2 Kings4:5She did exactly what she was told!The Preacher said 'Go!' And she went.Elisha also said 'Borrow vessels!' And she did.He even told her 'Shut thy door!'

Which, as you have just read, she did also!He said for her to include her sons.And she did that too.Then he commanded her to 'Pour the oil!' So she poured (and poured and poured)!I think I'll say this about her: Shedid all that shewas commanded!What a testimony that is!ALL that she was commanded!That thought send me to my concordance.Where else did anyone do all that they werecommanded?Surprisingly, I found some places!In Luke 17:10 Jesus observes a servant, acommon slave, doing all that he was commanded. Then Jesussaid: 'So likewise ye,when ye shall have doneall those things which are commanded you, say, We areunprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty todo.' What kind of servants are we?And in Jeremiah 35 we meet a group of peoplewho have done all that their fathers commanded them.

TheRechabites were highly commended of God! He used them asan example of obedience to spur the Israelites onward!' And Jeremiah said unto the house of theRechabites, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel.ye have obeyedthe commandment of Jonadab your father, andkept all his precepts,and done according untoall that he hath commanded you.' Jeremiah35:18And God promised special blessings to Israelif she as a nation obeyed all His commands!'

Then thou shalt say before the LORD thyGod, I have brought away the hallowed things out of minehouse, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto thestranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow,according to all thycommandments which thou hast commanded me: I have nottransgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten them:I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I takenaway ought thereof for any unclean use, norgiven ought thereof for the dead: but I havehearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according toall that thou hast commanded me.' Deuteronomy 26:13-14 (Therefore they could pray:'Look down from thy holy habitation,from heaven, and bless thy people Israel, and the land whichthou hast given us, as thou swarest unto our fathers, a landthat floweth with milk and honey.' Deuteronomy26:15)And one last time, it appears that Moses andthe people did all God commanded when it came to the building ofthe Tabernacle! I base my statement on Exodus 39:43 -'And Moses did look uponall the work,and, behold, they haddone it as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it:and Moses blessed them.' So this poor widow lady joins an impressivegroup of folks who did ALL they were commanded!Are you in that group?Am I?She also joined the group who enjoyedmultiple blessings from the Lord! (He does blessobedience!)She hadall the oil sheneeded!I therefore will say this. (Based onGod's Word.) If you do ALL He has commanded you.

Hewill bless you too, abundantly bless you!What a heritage for this widow lady to leavethose two boys!- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 8.VERSE 6:I wish to extract just one lesson fromtoday's verse. We shall perhaps return to it later.' And it came to pass,when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring meyet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vesselmore.

And the oil stayed.' 2 Kings 4:6Just notice with me that the oil flowed aslong as there were empty vessels!The OIL was not exhausted! That supplynever ended!The number of empty vessels was diminished.The insufficiency was on the vessel end, thehuman end, NOT the Supply end of the miracle!Theoretically had they gathered more emptypots, they would have had more oil to fill them!Here's my point today.The oil, being a picture of the Holy Spirit,was absolutely inexhaustible!Watch the expression of Paul's that I havehighlighted from Philippians 1:19 - 'ForI know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer,and the supply of theSpirit of Jesus Christ.' That word'supply' is a technical Greek noun that was used of a man whoprovided everything needed for a play or a concert or some otherpublic program! He took care of EVERYTHING! Theplace, the cast, the wardrobe, the refreshments. Everything!Paul is teaching us that the Holy Spirit provides all we need tolive the Christian life to the glory of God!Just as the oil was more than enough.

Sois the Holy Spirit more than sufficient in our lives!Praise the Lord!I've just been word-searching in my Bible!' Sufficiency' and its cognates have interested me.

Let meshare my findings with you:2 Corinthians 3:5 -'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing asof ourselves; but oursufficiency is of God.' In 2 Corinthians 12:9, as Paul was sufferingwith is 'thron in the flesh, our Lord encouraged him with thesewords: 'And he said unto me,My grace is sufficientfor thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Mostgladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that thepower of Christ may rest upon me.' John 14:8 - 'Philipsaith unto him, Lord, shew usthe Father, andit sufficeth us.' I guess so!Genesis 45:28 even came to mind where Jacob(Israel) said: 'It is enough;Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him beforeI die.' Our heavenly Joseph (Jesus) is alive too. And we are going to see Him as well!

That is enoughfor us also! And some are even going to see Him beforedeath!The sufficiency of the oil in our 2 Kings 4text here is a picture of the Sufficiency of the Lord GodAlmighty!Amen!- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 9.VERSE 7:'Thenshe came and told the man of God.

And he said, Go, sell the oil,and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest.' 2 Kings 4:7I don't know if we can 'spot'it or not, but the widow lady obeys Elisha the man of Godincrementally!He tells her some things to do. She does them. She returns to the preacher.

He adds tothe instructions. And she (in today's verse) goes andcompletes the 'assignment!' This is called obeying 'onestep at a time.' If Elisha had told herEVERYTHING to do at once. She might have crumbled under theburden of too many instructions!Instead, he led her a littlebit at a time!Jesus once told His disciples:'I have yet many things to say untoyou, but ye cannot bear them now.' (John 16:12) Hehad to tell them a thing or two at a time!Paul said the same thing tothe Corinthians: 'I have fed youwith milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not ableto bear it, neither yet now are ye able.' 1stCorinthians 3:2 (They couldn't handle the 'meat' yet.so they just got 'milk.'

)Again, live for Jesus one stepat a time.Jesus taught us to ask for our'daily' bread. Not the monthly supply!Then notice that sherepeatedly goes to the preacher (Elisha) for advice!Today's culture is trying to portray God's men as inept andstupid hypocrites, only in the ministry for the money. Themedia are wrong! God's true servants are saved,spirit-filled, and equipped to do the work to which God hascalled them! It is Biblical to seek their advice!'

Blessed is the man thatwalketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.' (Psalm1:1a) That means it's all right to seek the counsel of thegodly! Even back in Ecclesiastes 12:9 we are taught:'Andmoreover, because thepreacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge;yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order manyproverbs.' Wow!Also notice how the spiritualaspect of life here intertwines with the material. Lady,take the oil (the spiritual) and sell it and pay thy debt (thephysical, commercial, earthly)!

God wants us to put ourChristianity into shoe-leather and live it in front of peopleeverywhere we go!We also see that it is rightto pay one's debts! Paul taught us to'Owe no man any thing, but to love oneanother.'

(Romans 13:8) Proverbs adds, in aneffort to curb our borrowing and spending,'The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower isservant to the lender.' (Proverbs 22:7) Don'tget a bad reputation and ruin a good testimony over delinquentdebts. If you can't pay something on time, call thecompany and explain the situation and work out a plan of somekind. They will usually cooperate with any sincere client.And the verb for 'live' (inHebrew = 'chayah') is 12 times (King James Version) translated'be revived' and 8 times rendered 'recovered!' Itssense of 'timing' means to live and live and live (incompleteaction)! This suggests that the Oil (the Holy Spirit)provides the opportunity for life. Meaningful life.abundant life!

Jesus said in John 10:10 -' Iam come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.' Amen!Lastly observe that there willbe, even after all the debt is paid, something left on whichthey could live! Elisha calls it 'the rest.' Thisnoun 'yathar' means the 'leftovers!'

(Jesus had'leftovers' too, didn't He? John 6:13, after themiraculous feeding of the thousands, says:'Therefore they gathered themtogether, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of thefive barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them thathad eaten.' ) That word for 'rest' in Scripture isalso translated as: that which excels!What provision!And look at this. Godnot only provided for the widow lady alone. But for her twosons also! God remembers the family!

Ask Noah!See Genesis 8:16where God said to him: 'Go forth ofthe ark, thou, and thywife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee.' Ask Paul, who taught us: 'Believeon the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,and thy house.' This is amazing.Thus we leave a fulfilled andhappy lady with two sons. Rejoicing in the things of God!Elisha, like Jesus, just'went about doing good. For God waswith him.' (Acts 10:38) And I have a strong feelingthat they both 'did all things well!' I know Jesus did!

See Mark 7:37 for thisexpression!I am so glad we have studiedthis miracle.- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON10. THE OILBUSINESS:At first you may think I'veforgotten about the miracle of 2 Kings 4:1-7. That is notthe case. You will see the 'connection' soon.I recently read a book about oil.Really it just records the history of 'crude' oil.The more I read about the oilbusiness, the more I thought of God's 'oil,' the precious HolySpirit.The first known oil well wasdrilled in 1859 (sounds late)! The Holy Spirit firststarted 'drilling' in the New Testament Church on the Day ofPentecost, around 30 AD.One sixth of the world'seconomy presently is dedicated to the oil business in one way oranother!

Sadly, very little of the world's economy isinvested in the things of the Spirit!The planet's oil reserves arefinite (limited) it seems. But the supply of the HolySpirit is not! (So far the world has yielded about 2trillion barrels of oil!)There's a massive amount ofrock called 'shale' in Colorado. It contains oil! Ifwe could learn to extract that oil economically, scientists saythere would be a usable amount equal to the whole world'scurrently known oil inventory! Plenty of powerand heat and light. If we only know how to 'get' it!Yet the Bible is very clear on how we can 'get' the power of theHoly Spirit!World geography is such thatthe major reachable oil reserves are in the (where else) MiddleEast?

Mostly lands near Israel! I believe thereoften is a 'geography' of Holy Spirit power too! Thousandsof times in world history one area had revival (power) whileother areas were dry!Oil is often found inconjunction with natural gas and salt! They are thecompanions of the oil industry. The oil of the Spirit andthe salt of the earth (the saints) are very compatible also!The ancients used oil inwarfare!

(We still do today also.) Lighted oilsoaked arrows shot into the enemies' homes cause untold damage!And the Christian certainly can wage no warfare apart from theHoly Spirit too!And, as one would expect, somein the past even worshiped that oil and the fire it produced!(Just as some today, ignoring the Father and the Son, worshipand preach and focus only on the Holy Spirit! This grievesHim I'm sure.)It is said that today we areconsuming oil. At a rate about 100,000 times faster than itcan accumulate again! This is NOT true of ourdependence on the Holy Spirit!The Oil book said this too.Oil is made of carbon atoms. In fact it is comprised oflong chains of atoms.

Unified in such a way that 70 and morelink together! (Light natural gases may have only 4 carbonatoms.) Look what we have just been told: one big 'secret'ofthe power in oil is in UNITY! And, according to Psalm 133,that's a secret of the Christian's power too!Early uses of oil (in the formof kerosene) produced the first street lights America ever knew.Now we have oil producing 'light!' And let me quickly saythis: If we ever get any true spiritual light. It willcome from the illumination of the Holy Spirit of God!It is said by oil 'historians'that Would War II (and every war since then) has been won by thenation that has the most oil power!

(I'll just let youapply this one spiritually!)One of the main reasons Japanlost the war (WW II) was the 'oil embargo' enforced against herby the Allied nations! (I think the devil has an 'oilembargo' against many Christians too! He wants to deprivethem of Holy Spirit anointing.)Each oil company in the worldhas its own research department, seeking to improve knowledge ofoil and its power. (Every Christian should be a living'research lab' when it comes to the Holy Spirit and Hisinfilling.)Oil products have yieldedfertilizers that make crops grow exponentially!

(The HolySpirit in His Presence and Power will energize the 'food' ofGod's word for the development and maturity of our souls.)Mankind has learned to extractoil from rock! Spiritually speaking, all oil (Holy Spirit Power)is extracted from a smitten Rock (the Lord Jesus Christ who diedon Calvary)! Read Deuteronomy 32:13 -' Andhe made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of theflinty rock.' Wow!American wheat farmers musthave fertilizers (produced from petroleum products) in order togrow their crops! Here we have the association of oil andreal wheat! I would say that for true wheat (a type of thereal Christian) to be produced. The fertilizing power of theHoly Spirit must be in operation!The oil fields of the worldare being depleted.

But the Christian's Source of power isinexhaustible!There are many 'downsides' tooil production. Carelessly done, it can damage theenvironment or hurt the people who live nearby the wells orrefineries.

But with Holy Spirit power. There is neveranything but good to come!The world's oil pipelines areunder constant threat of attack by terrorists. (The powerof the Holy Spirit is always under attack by the devil also!)While there are alternativesources of energy being studied and developed on this earth,there is NO other source of power for the Believer than thepower of Almighty God!However. Sun power and windpower. Both with great 'potential,' are also types of ourHeavenly Father or the Lord Jesus or the Holy Spirit in theirempowering ability!Dear Christian friends, let'sthank God for the infinite source of oil, an emblem of the HolySpirit of God, Who is our great Companion and Comforter!Our study is nearly complete.- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 11.SOME CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS:This is a miracle of time.We have gallons and gallons of oil being produced here instantly(without the aid of the olive tree), a process that normallytakes months!

This reminds me of Jesus' miracle of turning waterinto wine. That also was a miracle of time!

Gallonsand gallons of fine juice were produced instantly without theaid of the vines (and rains and sunshine and months) normallyrequired.As is true in most cases,trouble seldom comes alone. Here the widow lady's trialscome in groups, just as they did with Job and Paul and Jeremiahand Jesus! And just as they often will with you and me!Psalm 68:5 tells us that Godis. 'A father of the fatherless, and ajudge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.' This miracles prove that fact!' Many a cloudy morning hasturned into a fine day!'

Or as Psalm 30:5 puts it:'Weeping may endurefor a night, but joy cometh in the morning.' This is anexact description of this miracle!Elisha asked the lady toborrow 'not a few' vessels! That is the spirit of Psalm81:10. 'I am the LORD thyGod, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt:open thy mouth wide, andI will fill it.' Wow!Go to church empty.

God may'fill you' with the oil (power and joy) of His Spirit ere youleave!John, talking like one ofthese vessels, says: 'And of his fulness have all wereceived.' John 1:16Our miracle is a parable ofhistory. Servant after servant has been filled with theSpirit of God! David and Jeremiah and Habakkuk and Johnthe Baptist and Paul and all the godly spiritual giants of theages that followed!This miracle shows theimportance of 'little' things. A little stone in the handof David. Killed a giant! A little cloud in Elijah'sday produced a rainstorm!

A little child in Jesus' lapteaches a great lesson! A little strength in a church canprevent apostasy! Little is much. When God is in it!The 'income' of the HolySpirit will pay the 'debts' of the believer!This widow lady exchanged wantfor wealth and poverty for plenty! Christian, spiritually,so can you!The previous miracle ofElisha's is the one about 'digging ditches!' This woman ispracticing the truth of that miracle too!

With eachborrowed vessel, she digs another ditch to contain the comingblessing!This 'pot' of oil, as westudied inverse 2, is in reality a flask or bag of oil. Itwas stored in such a fashion as to suggest it was anointing oil!Oh, how we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit in today'sworld! Oil upon our heads and ears and thumbs and feet andour garments! What a difference He makes!This lady did not ask for athing! She simply told the man of God her burdens!God took care of the rest!

There's a whole volume of'unsought blessings' poured upon God's people throughout thepages of Scripture.Maybe God just heard her'groans!' Listen to the Lord in Exodus 3:7-8 and noticewhat He heard! 'Andthe LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my peoplewhich are in Egypt, andhave heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; forI know their sorrows; and I am come down to deliver them out ofthe hand of the Egyptians.' That is just precious!Maybe the widow lady had heardwhat God did for the widow at Zarephath during the days ofElijah! (1 Kings 17) If so, that event increased ourlady's faith! (Rahab also had heard some things too!Let me show you what she said to the spies:'Forwe have heard howthe LORD dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye cameout of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of theAmorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whomye utterly destroyed. Andas soon as we had heardthese things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain anymore courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God,he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.'

)Hearing can bring faith.Let me show you some versesthis lady did NOT have. 'Casting allyour care upon him; for he careth for you.' (1stPeter 5:7) And 'Let ustherefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we mayobtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.' (Hebrews4:16) Or 'Ask,and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, andit shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth;and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shallbe opened.'

(Matthew 7:7-8) We today are soblessed! (Yet God has proved Himself faithful again andagain. Whether in Old Testament or New!

Praise HisName!)Our study is now completed.I'm so thankful we haveexamined these verses.- Dr. Mike BagwellLESSON 12.

TYING IT ALL TOGETHER:Yesterday I sawsomething thrilling!I was studying atext in the Book of Acts.Somehow I cameacross the word 'vessel.' As you know wehave been looking at one of Elisha's miracles this week, the onewhere many empty vessels were filled with oil. It's recorded in.The paragraph Iwas reading was comparing us to vessels.

That of course is aBiblical word picture for sure.Here's what I saw. It deals with the greatApostle Paul.In Acts 9:15 the Lord calls Paul avessel, a 'chosen' vessel! 'But theLord said unto him (Ananias), Go thy way: for he (Saul/Paul) isa chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name beforethe Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.'


This conversation occurs shortly after Saul's (Paul's)salvation.Other passages in Scriptures compare peopleto vessels also.Romans 9:21 does so.' Hath not the potter (the Lord) power over the clay (wehumans), of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, andanother unto dishonour?' And Verse 22 mentions His 'vessels of wrath' whileVerse 23 talks about His 'vessles ofmercy!' And in 1 Thessalonians 4:4 Paul longs forus: 'That every one of you should knowhow to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.' (Our vessels here are our very bodies!)And in 2 Timothy 2:21 Paul, in a 'classic'use of the term, says: 'If a mantherefore purge himself from these (sins), he shall be a vesselunto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, andprepared unto every good work.' Live godly clean lives!And even Peter uses the word as he teaches ushusbands how to live with our wives.'

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge,giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and asbeing heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers benot hindered.' So Biblically I can say that Elisha's miraclein 2 Kings 4, the one about a widow lady. In debt heavily.with two young sons. And temporarily owner of nothing but onepot of oil. But about to borrow many more. Which will allbe filled with oil. Has real meaning!

It pictures many claypots or vessels ('types' of us believers) who are initiallyempty! Empty vessels!Empty pots that need to be filled with oil!Do remember that in the Bible 'oil' is a typeor picture or symbol of the Holy Spirit of God.So we have empty vessels (Believers) who needoil (Holy Spirit) in order to help others!This miracle has become a parable too!Well, back to my Acts verses.I began by saying that Acts 9:15 calls Paul a'chosen vessel.' It does.But two verses later God says that Paul isabout to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit!' And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; andputting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, evenJesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hathsent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight,and be filledwith the Holy Ghost.'

Wow!Paul, the vessel, filled with the HolySpirit!(Another empty vessel. Filled with oil!)Acts 9 provides the 'key' to interpreting amiracle in 2 Kings 4!That's simply comparing Scripture withScripture. And it is a valid means of Bible Study! (AnESSENTIAL means!)And the Lord God is the Author of both theActs and the 2 Kings Passages!This Saturday we all should spend somededicated time with our Lord. Asking Him to fill us (vessels)with His Spirit (oil) as we approach the Lord's Day tomorrow.That will make a difference!Amen!- Dr. Mike BagwellI TRUST THAT THESETWELVE LESSONS HAVE BEEN HELPFUL TO YOU IN YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE!THEY TRULY TEACH A BIBLE PRINCIPLE:'Andbe not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled withthe Spirit.'

Ephesians5:18May theLord bless you for studying the '2 Kings 4:1-7'Page!Please PRAY for us as we travel.Copyright©2003 DrMikeBagwell.org All Rights Reserved.

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The Woman With The Empty Vessels Pdf Book

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With that in mind, this memoir shares author Mary Gillespies personal story about a complicated marriage. They met and married young, and when Gillespies husband, Will, surrendered his life to the ministry, they began their journey in the ministry together. On the surface, things seemed fine, but there were many signs and indicators in their marriage that things were not right. When he was caught in an affair and diagnosed as having a sex addiction, she stayed with him, determined to discover the source of the addiction, to work through the problem, and to forgive him. But after his death, she learned that he had fallen back into his dark life, leaving her grieving both that and his loss. She struggled with her emotions, wanting desperately to understand the illness. Pouring into an Empty Vessel: My Life, Married to a Sex Addict helps you understand the life and pain of a sex addictand that of the partner.

Though the spouse can do little to help the addict, you can learn how to endure the helplessness of being unable to helpand how to help yourself survive. Author by: Stephen MonyakLanguage: enPublisher by: Tate PublishingFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 62Total Download: 658File Size: 50,6 MbDescription: Since the beginning of the Christian era, Satan's lies have allowed the human perspective to distort biblical truths to a point of confusion.

Churches have split and split and split yet again over dogma and doctrine, when the truth of the matter is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and, from His cross, gave us a bridge to the presence of GOD. Satan convinced society that the Bible was old fashioned, and so Christians have changed to accommodate current, popular beliefs. Like the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, the church has let her oil run out, and without the oil of the Holy Spirit, she will find herself in spiritual darkness and soon discover she does not know where she is going.We, The Empty Vesselsis a wake up call for all Christians. Do not fall trap to Satan's lies any longer. Join author S.

Monyak to discover how you can refill your oil daily and combat the attacks of Satan and his fallen angels. Monyak encourages you to readWe, The Empty Vesselswith the intensity of the Bereans of old who prayed and studied to determine truth. Author by: Franklyn SillsLanguage: enPublisher by: North Atlantic BooksFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 68Total Download: 608File Size: 45,5 MbDescription: Craniosacral therapy is based on the belief that functions of the human system are maintained and integrated by a biodynamic force known as 'primary respiration, ' or the breath of life. Found in the brain, spinal cord, and bodily fluids, this rhythmic pulse promotes healing and health.

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Author by: Elio MadanLanguage: enPublisher by: America Star BooksFormat Available: PDF, ePub, MobiTotal Read: 18Total Download: 874File Size: 55,8 MbDescription: If one is different from birth, persecuted by one's peers and is a genius, how does this individual develop? 'Z' is such person; fat with facial hair, she is persecuted by the children around her.

She is molested by a neighbor who provides her with a glimpse into her passion, the world of microbes and the means to acquire the tools to build her first laboratory to explore this world. She eliminates the predatory and in doing so begins her career in using microbes to murder those that persecute, harm and threaten her.

After an attack of appendicitis, she is told that her uniqueness is the result of being a pseudohermaphrmaphrote. She goes after the men who were ignorant of her condition at birth. In her laboratory she creates unique tools in order to exact her justice. When she is given the opportunity to go to France she meets Solas; creates a company which will be able to sell her wears. Solas is a bisexual Algerian with connections in the underground arms trade.

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